reflection 03-17-22

 Today we read more of the book and we took more notes about chapter 4. We discussed “ghastly generalization” and made examples of it with different races. When it came to white people I said they didn’t wear lotion and was getting dragged but im right. White people don’t wear lotion and I know it first hand. And since you might read this, im going to tell you how I know. In elementary and middle school I was surrounded by white people. And I also am always on tiktok, both were/are filled with white people. When they take their showers, 8 times out of 10 they don’t even use washcloths. So what would persuade them to use lotion? Understandably I get that there is a whole isle with different types of lotion for different people, but that doesn’t mean they all use it. All my friends used to wear shorts all the time and yes their skin is very white so it is harder to see, but you can tell when someone doesnt moisturize their legs in general. Their legs would be scaly and look as if they had cracks on their legs. Anyways I just felt the need to rant about that.  After class I had practice and we didn’t do much, went to practice and then I went home. 


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