
Showing posts from March, 2022

reflection 03-30-22

 Today we read another prompt sadly and used it to practice for when we write the actual essay. We also took notes, and wrote down 10 things that we as a class thought were unknown. After the list, we chose whether or not we thought looking into the unknown was necessary or not worth it. We made claims after choosing a side and then had to come up with evidence to support it. The team we were supposed to be playing forfeited again, so we were going to have regular practice but I decided to leave. 

reflection 03-29-22

 this is what we did today: 

reflection 03-28-22

 Today we worked on a current event type prompt. We watched multiple videos,read articles, and then discussed what had occurred. For the prompt, we separated the people who agreed and the people who disagreed and then wrote our claims and picked evidence from the articles to back them up, After class we were supposed to have a game, but carver forfeited the game so our boys game ended up being earlier w usual. When one of our players got hurt though, the opposing teams boys came up to me and asked for my name and if i was single. It was definitely a ego boost, but aside from that the boys ended up winning. 

reflection 03-25-22

  Today we started off by taking a test on what we've been learning the past two weeks. There were 15 questions on the test and they were all multiple choice. After school, naqouia might come over to my house and if she doesn't then i'm going to wal-mart to return these grey cargo pants I got the other day because I got the wrong size. We don't have practice today so if neither of those happen, then i am going to sleep most likely. 

reflection 03-21-22

 Today we continued on chapter 5 of the arguing book. We wrote a 3 to 5 sentence summary about it and also included 5 major points of the chapter. We wrote down the meaning of hope,faith,doubt, and certainty and then we wrote down a list of things that would be certain in 10 years and then a list of things that we doubt would happen in the next 10 years. We got a prompt about certainty and doubt and then we chose which one we would be on sides with. 20 minutes before class ended I literally fell asleep and then my neck ended up hurting really bad so I guess it was karma. After class we had to take soccer pictures, but we ended up starting an hour late because our coach was on the phone with someone forever. 

reflection 03-17-22

 Today we read more of the book and we took more notes about chapter 4. We discussed “ghastly generalization” and made examples of it with different races. When it came to white people I said they didn’t wear lotion and was getting dragged but im right. White people don’t wear lotion and I know it first hand. And since you might read this, im going to tell you how I know. In elementary and middle school I was surrounded by white people. And I also am always on tiktok, both were/are filled with white people. When they take their showers, 8 times out of 10 they don’t even use washcloths. So what would persuade them to use lotion? Understandably I get that there is a whole isle with different types of lotion for different people, but that doesn’t mean they all use it. All my friends used to wear shorts all the time and yes their skin is very white so it is harder to see, but you can tell when someone doesnt moisturize their legs in general. Their legs would be scaly and look as if they ha

reflection 03-16-22

 Today we continued the book on chapter 3. We spoke about how we could convince our parents to do certain things that we disagree with such as snooping through our diaries or room without our permission.  After class we had to watch film before our game and then  we got ready to change. We made tiktoks since our bus was delayed and we had a mini talent show with the boys soccer team. 

reflection 3-15-22

 today we started a new book about arguments and took notes. We read chapters 1 and 2, and went through about a 2 examples for each. After class, we had practice and they started the new dismissal where everyone has to leave the building and then move to the gym. Practice lasted about an hour, and we thought our game was going to get cancelled on wednesday but we ended up playing anyways. 

reflection 03-14-22

 Today we finished the rest of the current news presentations. For the “Don’t say gay bill” presentation they had good information and were consistent with not getting off task. One thing I wish they would have done, would be them saying the actual name of the bill and completely breaking down what the bill would consist of. I also wish that they would have had  a more diverse selection of questions at the end. The questions seemed to be very similar and surrounding the same part of the bill. The group highlighted strong points of their articles and chose a good video on how the people in florida were reacting to the bill possibly being passed. The group also worked well with the fact that most of their teammates were not there. 

reflection 03-07-22

 Today I had to present and answer a prompt in like 15 minutes because I wasn’t in class on friday. After class, we had a game so we changed and at 4’oclock or so we left for the stadium. We won 4-1, and the boys won 7-4. We didn’t do much today, but my coach said we don’t have practice tomorrow, so that gives me the ability to catch up on work and catch up on sleep. 

Reflection 03-03-22

  Today we went over rhetorical analysis essays. Things I would need to avoid in my essay are long introductions and thesis statements. I need to avoid being very vague and focus on going in depth about the prompt i’m answering. After class i’m going to go to tutorial in a timely manner because we had to leave early for the game.  And then after our game, we’re staying for the boys game, 

reflection 03-02-22

 Today we were given 14 critical thinking questions on the short book “The Yellow Wallpaper”. We we t through each question and answered them together as a class. That was it for the most part, and then we ended class. Practice went a little longer today and we practiced a lot of ball drills and shooting for the game tomorrow. After practice, one of my teammates and I went to the baseball game against Columbia. 

Reflection 03-01-22

 Today we started on a mini book titled “The Yellow wallpaper”. We read up to about 20 pages or so and then watched a short film adaptation at the end of class. I was going to go to tutorial but because there was a faculty meeting, I couldn’t. We went to practice and then we ran drills for about an hour. It was pretty hot, so I just stretched for 20 minutes.