
Showing posts from May, 2022

Reflection 05-05-22

 Today we didn’t do anything. 3/4 of the class was taking the AP statistics test so it was like 5 of us in class. We pretty much played little games and chilled. After school I also ended up not taking a nap again, which is sad. I attempted to do work, but then I ended up not caring which caused me to stop. My mom’s husband got me some new shoes, so that was cool I guess. 

Reflection 05-04-22

 Today we took a mock multiple choice test. We were given an hour again, and that was pretty much it. I had like 15 questions left when there was 10 minutes left or so, so I ended up rushing. After class, we had our soccer banquet and we got awards and gift bags. Since there was so much ice cream left over from the teacher social, they let us get some. That was it though for the most part, I didnt take my nap today but only because I had to stay after school for a few hours. 

Reflection 05-03-22

 Today I wasn’t at school for long because of health problems. I left right before 3rd period, and when I got home I immediately went to sleep. I think my sleepiness is the cause of me not taking my iron, but I still don’t make the effort to take it regardless. One of my friends came by my house later on and we chilled for the most part. She surprised me with a new kpop album, so that kind of made me feel good. Thats all I really did though.

reflection 05-02-22

 Today, we wrote a mock essay. We took 60 minutes and got a booklet of like 6 sources and answered the prompt. After school, I didn’t do much since the soccer season has ended. I usually take a nap, and then do some work. I’ve been trying to fix my sleeping schedule, but obviously it’s become worse because of the naps.